Pushing the Boundaries: A Journey of Innovation and Impact

Exploring the Bold Ventures and Visionary Ideas of a Tech Pioneer

Hey producers,

Do you know the TV series Silicon Valley? I binged it a while back when I was very interested in entrepreneurship. But wait, I don’t want to raise the stakes too high—I haven’t spoken with any actors from there. However, our guest was no less impressive! A successful entrepreneur, talented content creator, passionate gamer, and more. Not enough? What about some conspiracy theories? Continue reading!

Silicon Valley Success Story: Conquering the Smoking Industry | #70: John Coogan

John Coogan is a dynamic entrepreneur, investor, and content creator who has made a significant impact in the tech world. As the Entrepreneur in Residence at Founders Fund and co-founder of Lucy, John brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the table. From his early ventures in Silicon Valley to raising over $100M in venture capital, John's journey is anything but typical. His YouTube channel, which has garnered millions of views, explores topics such as the metaverse, space exploration, AI, cryptocurrency, and more.

In our episode, we delve into his thoughts on conspiracy theories, his successful nicotine company, Lucy, and his relentless pursuit of innovation. Join us to gain insights from a true trailblazer who continually pushes the boundaries of what's possible and be inspired by his remarkable journey.


  • Harnessing Purpose for Impact

  • The Art of Flexible Creativity

  • Fueling Your Passions for Balance

  • Creating a Winning Culture

  • Achieving Work-Life Harmony

Lesson 1: Purpose Behind Your Work

Do you know the TV series Silicon Valley? I remember binge-watching all the seasons when I became interested in entrepreneurship, and I really enjoyed it. But no, I’m not going to say that John is an actor or something; this is just to illustrate John’s journey. What I believe sets it apart is the mission behind his company, Lucy. Of course, you build a business to make a profit, but when there’s a purpose behind it, it’s a different story, especially if it’s a bold one like Lucy’s. They are challenging the tobacco industry with their nicotine product. While I’m not a smoker and not a target user, I admire and support this. Plus, I was blown away hearing John’s expertise in the field, the challenges of working in this industry, and the passion he spoke with. Inspiration for you: How can you apply this knowledge to your field?

Lesson 2: Don’t Be Too Serious

To be honest with you, as far as I remember, I discovered John as a content creator, particularly a YouTuber. He produces amazing, high-quality content, whether it’s about interesting people, revolutionary businesses, AI, crypto, the metaverse, and more. One might wonder how he manages everything—businesses, content creation, family, etc. That’s what I asked him, and I really liked his answer. He simply creates when he wants to. If there’s time, he feels like it, and there’s a story to share—perfect! Busy and need to focus on something else? Perfect too. Find what works for you and, most importantly, enjoy it to make it sustainable. Try not to force yourself into it, as it might make things worse. This might sound cliché, but remember: quality over quantity.

Lesson 3: Keep Your Passions

I’m sure you didn’t expect this one—I mean, the lesson, but also this particular scenario. I noticed during my prior research about John, as well as during our chat before the recording, that John is still a gamer! What’s more, he’s a fan of Counter-Strike, which is a game we used to play all the time during our primary school years. It brings me nostalgia just writing about it. I’m not a player and haven’t played any games in a long time, but the passion I’m talking about can be anything. Going back to the previous points—someone staying on top of so many areas like business, content creation, and family life, and still finding time to enjoy some gaming. It’s all about time management, prioritizing, and work-life balance!

Lesson 4: Foster the Culture

It came as a surprise to me when I found out that Lucy’s CEO has the longest tenure in the industry. Not that I expected anything negative, but I might have assumed there would be established players in the market with everything set up, running smoothly and successfully, and therefore ranking higher. But I was wrong. I think it perfectly exemplifies the importance of the company culture as well as the business itself. Of course, I’m speaking as an outsider with limited knowledge, but we can agree they must be doing something right. I’m sure you remember a job where you enjoyed working because of the people and how you were treated. If not, I hope you find one. If it’s your current job, I’m happy for you. I wish there were more companies like that. Wouldn’t it be more fun to go to work? (Maybe except on Mondays!)

Lesson 5: Find the Balance

This lesson encompasses what we’ve discussed so far: building successful businesses, growing a quality YouTube channel (and podcast as well!), being a father and husband, and so much more. As we all know, it’s a challenge, especially when trying to stay on top of these fields, continue learning, innovating, and improving. Indeed, we can see it’s possible, even though I sometimes have excuses. So what are the priorities? What do I enjoy the most? What just drains my time and energy? I think it’s important to ask ourselves these questions to achieve the perfect work-life balance.

I’ve been fortunate to speak with many successful entrepreneurs, but I think it’s safe to say that John is the most impressive one. No disrespect to any others, but John’s achievements are truly remarkable. There was much more I wanted to ask John, so I hope that at some point in the future, we’ll do a follow-up and dive into other interesting areas. Needless to say, check out John’s amazing YouTube channel. I’m also curious to hear your take on the conspiracy theories we discussed. Let me know, and have a great week ahead!

Keep producing,