Mapping Out Success: The Secrets Behind a Thriving Geography Channel

Behind the Scenes of a Popular Geography Channel: Tips, Challenges, and Triumphs

Hello Producers,

This week, my dream came true! If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I’m a bit of a geography geek. I always enjoy talking with my guests about the places they come from, where they’ve travelled, and other related experiences. So, it was a pleasure to welcome someone who shares my passion and discuss this amazing topic in detail. What’s more, he’s a content creator and a successful YouTuber, so this episode was pure joy.

Gil is the creator behind the YouTube channel General Knowledge, which he started in 2017 from his home in Lisbon, Portugal. Focused on geography, his channel offers videos on topics like flags, countries, and maps, all inspired by his longstanding interest in the subject, which began through gaming. Over the years, Gil has built a loyal audience who appreciates his clear and engaging approach to complex topics. In this episode, we explore what goes into running his channel, including how he chooses topics, manages monetisation, and handles viewer comments. We also delve into his travel experiences, future plans, and what it's like to navigate the world of full-time content creation.


  • Pursue Your Passions

  • Learn from Your Rivals

  • Find Your Formula

  • Play the Long Game

  • Take the Leap

Lesson 1 - Follow Your Passions

Do you know how or why Gil started on YouTube? Judging by the topic of his channel, it’s quite obvious. Gil simply began producing content about what he enjoys the most: geography, flags, maps, and more. What started as a hobby and a side passion project grew into a full-time job. What could be better than getting paid to do what you love? This is a recurring theme among my podcast guests, and I’m always thrilled to hear that people can pursue what they enjoy. I genuinely hope you’re in the same position, or at least that you’re working on it and will achieve that soon!

Lesson 2 - Learn From the Competition

As a regular follower of Gil’s channel, I got used to watching his content on Fridays. It became a habit to expect a great geography episode on Friday evening. But then he switched to Thursdays. I know it’s not a big deal, but this is just to illustrate a point: Gil noticed his content wasn’t performing as well as before, so he acted. He looked at the competition to learn, iterate, and improve. Of course, one never knows exactly why something might not be working—it could be an algorithm issue beyond your control. But you don’t want to leave it at that. Instead, act and perhaps find ways that work even better!

Lesson 3 - Find What Works For You

Shorts on YouTube are the secret to growth. Agree or disagree? I think it depends. There’s certainly some truth to it, and it can work for some, even helping to blow up a channel. At the same time, it can make no difference at all. This is where Gil’s experience becomes relevant. I liked what he said: He tried it, and it didn’t work for him. But he didn’t dwell on it. Why waste time on something that doesn’t yield results? However, this might be his unique situation, and it could work for you. What I’m trying to say is to try things yourself and not immediately take someone’s experience or opinion as the final word. So explore, experiment, and iterate to find what works best for you.

Lesson 4 - Play the Long Game

Do you know when Gil started posting on YouTube? Several years ago! What began as a simple hobby evolved into a full-time job. As of writing this, Gil is on the verge of reaching one million subscribers. What a milestone! But it wasn’t an overnight success. It took hundreds of videos, ongoing improvements, and never-ending perseverance. We may often be influenced by overnight viral success stories, but how common are they? Whether it’s content creation, a secret side project, an entrepreneurial pursuit, or something else, try to keep this in mind. Remember, even a small 1% improvement every day accumulates over time into something significant!

Lesson 5 - Just Give It a Try

This lesson is a bit of behind-the-scenes insight from my side. As I said, I’ve been subscribed to Gil’s channel for so long that I can’t even remember when I started. But I never thought of interviewing him. Why? I’m not sure—I just didn’t think of it. As of writing this, Gil has never shown his face on camera. He simply enjoyed making videos with simple animations, and it worked well. So, it didn’t even occur to me. But then I listened to an interview he did with another geography channel. Of course, I enjoyed it a lot. What an idea! So, why wouldn’t I give it a try? And that’s how this awesome episode happened.

What’s your main takeaway from this episode? Is there a different lesson that stood out to you? Did you learn something new about running a successful YouTube channel? Just hit reply and let me know your thoughts. Have a successful week!

Keep producing,