From Beer Brewing to AI Marketing: An Inspiring Journey

Discover Key Lessons on Pivoting, Consistency, and Content Creation

Hey Producers,

Let's recap some big news! Last week, I've finally launched the first edition of “Top Produced Voices.” It features the viral AI marketer, my friend, and an all-around great person whom I was fortunate to interview, Charlie Hills! Stay tuned because future editions featuring other talented creators, entrepreneurs, and inspiring individuals will be coming soon. Now, back to our latest guest!

Sanchit Shangari is a dedicated marketer and AI content creator. He is originally from India and moved to Canada to study marketing. After completing his degree, he started a career in digital marketing at his university. Sanchit discovered his interest in AI early on and saw its incredible potential. Soon he started using AI at work and transitioned himself from being a digital marketer to an AI-powered marketer. On LinkedIn, he shares his knowledge about the latest AI tools and trends. In our episode, we talk about his journey, reveal tips on growing your LinkedIn profile, and explore the exciting world of AI with an expert.

Check out Instagram for more!

Now, let’s look at some key lessons from our episode.


  • Don’t Be Afraid to Pivot

  • Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

  • Put the Hours In

  • Create Your “A-Team”

  • Give for Free

Lesson 1: Don’t Be Afraid to Pivot

As a viral AI content creator and talented digital marketer, you might assume Sanchit has been in the field for a long time, right? Wrong! I initially thought Sanchit had been studying marketing or a similar field for a while, but I was surprised to learn that he used to be interested in something completely different. Spoiler alert: beer brewing! Before moving to Winnipeg, Canada, Sanchit was passionate about beer. This perfectly exemplifies that you shouldn’t be afraid to make a change. If it’s something you’re passionate about, something you see yourself developing in, or want to build a career in, don’t be afraid to pursue it. Put in the work, continue improving, and master it—just like Sanchit did and continues doing.

Lesson 2: Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

Building on the previous point, Sanchit is originally from India and moved to Winnipeg, Canada, which is across the globe. While I can relate to Sanchit with my own experience, his is far more impressive. It’s a different continent and a different culture. Although he mentioned that there are many immigrants, especially from India, it still takes courage to make such a bold move. So if you have any secret dreams, desires, or simply want to explore, don’t be afraid to go for it. Even if it’s just for a while, you might experience some unforgettable adventures, meet amazing people, and broaden your perspective. Let’s continue exploring!

Lesson 3: Put the Hours In

I know, Captain Obvious: work hard and be consistent. But hear me out. You might think Sanchit became viral thanks to his content about AI, which is very popular and will probably grow even more. Or that he’s been in the game for a long time. AI content might be part of it, but the real truth lies in his hard work, perseverance, and consistency. Sanchit spends hours every day creating content, posting, and interacting with others. It's hours upon hours, day by day, improving, learning, and engaging. That’s why I was surprised to learn he hasn’t been taking LinkedIn seriously for that long. The main takeaway? Show up daily and engage!

Lesson 4: Create Your “A-Team”

This is probably my favourite lesson. In the final LinkedIn advice, Sanchit mentioned that he groups his audience into different “teams.” The top A-Team consists of those he interacts with the most—people who reciprocate by liking, commenting, and supporting his content. Then, he has other groups, which you can learn more about in our episode. Try dividing your followers, connections, or audience similarly; it might help with your own content strategy. Plus, you might find yourself in someone’s A-Team. Feels great, doesn’t it?

Lesson 5: Give for Free

If you’ve seen Sanchit on LinkedIn or followed him for some time, you’ve most likely noticed the kind of content he produces. He focuses primarily on AI tools, whether it's the latest ones, specific use cases, popular ones, or anything you can think of. What I particularly like is that he also shares tutorials, “how-to” guides, and other video material. It's super helpful as it provides great value. Don’t know how to use a specific tool? Not sure which one to pick? Can’t decide? Sanchit has the answer. Plus, it helps him establish himself as an authority in the field—it's great content that people find extremely useful. So, what can you give for free?

That’s it for today, my friends. I truly enjoyed our chat with Sanchit, as I've been following him for some time and enjoying his content. I’m looking forward to continuing to support and follow him to see how he grows. Needless to say, you should follow him and subscribe to his newsletter as well.

As always, thank you for reading, and feel free to share any feedback, ask questions, or simply say “Hey Tommen!” I promise to reply to all of you. Thanks, and have a successful week!

Keep producing,